Content Marketing Strategy

5 Metrics That Will Help You Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Your SEO

One of the biggest mistakes that a business can make is to set up its SEO and then sit back and do nothing else. By nothing else, we mean that they do not monitor their results, nor do they use the available data to evaluate, amend and improve their SEO so that their results become even better. It is akin to a soccer team playing a match and their coach not watching it or not even checking the score at the end of the game.

According to experienced SEO consultants at the scenario of not checking data and metrics tends to happen when a business decides to do its own SEO rather than use an SEO agency or consultant. On their own, they might get it set up but not knowing how to analyse its performance means that they do not know how to improve the results it is achieving. Alternatively, an SEO agency will know exactly what metrics to monitor and how to use the data they provide.

A starting point for business owners concerning the performance of their SEO is to know what metrics are the most important and what they mean. So, with that in mind, here are five of the key metrics that can be used to evaluate your SEO. The data can be sourced from the dashboards within your cPanel, Google Analytics, and from other SEO tools which provide a multitude of useful data related to your SEO campaign.

Traffic By Source: One of the starting points for assessing your SEO is knowing where the traffic that visits your website is coming from, and for the traffic coming from search engines, which keywords are generating the click-throughs. By knowing the keywords that are generating the most traffic it allows you to plough more resources into consolidating the rankings for them even further.

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